2nd Recent Favorite Book: Bilbo's Journey by Joseph Pearce


    Not gonna lie. I've never read or watched LOTR and I don't want to. I have never been into fantasy. But I had to read The Hobbit for school, and although I didn't love the book, I decided to watch the movie. So I know the context for this book by Joseph Pearce; Bilbo's Journey: Discovering the Hidden Meaning of the Hobbit. Pearce takes The Hobbit one chapter at a time, and points out the symbolism of specific characters and events along the way. It was so rich and beautiful! Like Flight of Faith, this was another book that I took a gamble on and bought before I had read it. But I loved it and am thrilled to own it! Sorry to put in another TAN Books plug, but here it is. You can check this book out and purchase through my affiliate link in the TAN Affiliate blog post. Again, all TAN commissions will go toward my retreat later this month. Thank you! God bless you!


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