3rd Recent Favorite Book: Blessed Charles of Austria by Charles Coulombe


    After too long, I'm back! But this one was TOTALLY worth the wait! A couple months ago, I was listening to an episode of the Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast; an interview with Eduard Habsburg. I loved the podcast, especially the underlying theme of noble Catholic dignity. I immediately purchased Eduard's book, The Habsburg Way, for my Dad as a Father's Day gift. It got here weeks before the holiday, so I eagerly read it and contained my enthusiasm around Dad. It was a really good book. After reading it, I fell into the 'what do I read now that could even compare with that?' blues. This was followed by the realization that I had never read anything about Blessed Karl specifically, so I ran upstairs and grabbed this book, Blessed Charles of Austria: A Holy Emperor and His Legacy, off of Mom's shelf. It was as beautiful as I had anticipated. Blessed Karl and his wife Zita were loyal (to God, each other, and their country), loving, gentle, and courageous. The circumstances God chose for them, whether fame and riches or ignominy and poverty, did not phase them. They were strong in their Faith at every moment. 
    Needless to say, I am now very devoted to Blessed Karl. But my devotion was made stronger when I realized this detail of his story that ties into my own life... Karl was beatified on October 3rd, 2004. That is the day I was baptized (as well as the traditional feast of St Therese, who is the patroness of our parish)! I am now asking Blessed Karl to help me find a saintly spouse.
    I'm sorry to plug my TAN Affiliate link AGAIN, but please check this book out through my affiliate link (in my TAN Affiliate post). You won't regret it!
    Also, please pray for me this week... I will be on my first Ignatian retreat. God bless you all; I will be praying for you!


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