2024: A Confession and a Fresh Start


Good evening, my dear readers! I am afraid that some of you have been more faithful to this blog than I have lately. Since it has been almost 4 months since my last post, this will be a long one, starting with a couple confessions. 

Firstly, the idea for a series of reviews on 'books I didn't enjoy' was a bad one, and will not be continued. I had a draft started to bash Tom Sawyer as well, and would have gotten to The Hobbit eventually, but clearly I never finished those. With each of the four (the two posts and the two books I just mentioned), I realized that I read them long enough ago that I should give them another chance as an adult reader. I also understand that these classics are favorites of many people and it is not helping my blog to publicly bash them. 😂

Secondly, I will try in 2024 to get back to weekly posts. I started a teaching job in October, and my mom had a baby last week, so life has been [a good kind of] crazy, but I will try to fit the blog back into my weekly schedule.

I received several books for Christmas, and have been reading more lately, so I am going to get back to reviewing books I have read [and enjoyed] recently. The first one, which I will review in this post, is The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer. I read it in September, and it was almost as life-changing as The 4:8 Principle. So keep reading!

I heard about The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry on a podcast, and it sounded like it was up my alley. Sure enough, I loved it. It was very readable, balancing nerdy stats and stories. The book explains the need of our American culture to slow down in every area of life on the weekdays, and to take Sundays off completely. We are continually rushing around and cranking our work out in quantity, which makes the quality of our lives and work suffer. The author is a Protestant pastor, so I did not agree with him 100%, but he did present alot of points worth considering as well as practical tips to implement. One of these was to turn one's phone off on Sundays, which I immediately started doing. It is really good to force myself to stay off of my phone and find other things to do with my time on God's day.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Reading, and I will see you next week!

*Edit: Scrolling through my posts, I just realized that I had actually already reviewed The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry at the bottom of my trip post. Well, this time I have actually read the full book, and I went into a little more detail. But I apologize for repeating that review. I promise there will be more reviews coming soon! Thank you for following my blog!


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