The Five Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman


    I have known about the five love languages for a long time, and finally read the book this past summer. My coworker and I listened to the audiobook while we were pruning grapes, and we have talked alot about the love languages ever since. The Five Love Languages, by Dr Gary Chapman, was written to help married couples, so although my friend and I enjoyed it, there were definitely things that did not pertain to us. However, after doing my homework, I realized that Dr Chapman went on to write several love languages books for different categories of individuals. So I bought each of us a copy of The Five Love Languages for Singles for Christmas, and I am currently reading my copy.

    The five love languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Dr Chapman decided that each person primarily gives and receives love in one of these five ways. Even if those around you try to display their love for you, if they don't display their love through your primary love language, it is lost on you. Also, the opposite of your primary love language is how you are hurt most deeply. If you are not already aware of the love languages or of your primary love language, there is a survey in the back of each book to help you figure it out. I greatly enjoyed listening to the audiobook of the original book, which was read by Dr Chapman himself, and full of stories about his experience counseling struggling couples. However, I appreciate that The Five Love Languages for Singles is new information and stories, and while re-covering the basics, it assumes that most readers have already read the original book and are looking for material specifically tailored to them. The Five Love Languages for Singles covers other human relationships -dating, parent/child, siblings, roommates, etc.
    Since reading the original The Five Love Languages book, but especially being in the middle of another of Dr Chapman's books now, I am passionate about exploring this in every human relationship. Knowing how best to love those in your life is extremely important, as well as knowing how they display their love to you and what hurts them most.
    The Five Love Languages (or another of Dr Chapman's books for a specific group of people) makes a great gift, book club book, or conversation starter. 
    I'm sorry if this review was a bit unorganized. I hope my enthusiasm for this self help book (The 4:8 Principle, anyone? :) was apparent. Let me know your thoughts on The Five Love Languages in the comments! I'll be back next week to review the other book I am currently reading!


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